Saturday 30 September 2017

I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do

I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me
I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me

Monday 11 September 2017

love being a mystery


ciérrame los ojos
maltrata mi forma de mirarte
dime que no son leves las vibraciones
que no reconoces la más fina de mis vértebras


sé no quiero que quiera
cuando el amar es cosa de las ratas que se persiguen
de las tormentas que me remueven el pelo
cuando quererse es destrozarse a uno y a dos


te recorrería la cara con las manos haciendo un cuadrado perfecto
y sin quererte volvería a rondar las azoteas de las cocoteras
llenaría pulmones de café y saldría flotando de allí
yo no muero al caer yo no caigo de pie yo no sangro

sábado lunes o enero
dejes de mirarme y te cuelgues de las nubes
recuérdame de lejos que tu respiración me dice que des    pa    cio
que a bofetadas se camina más rápido, que cuando duele no duele